"The difference is that the quality of hair is better and the fibers are stronger since there is little to no breakage as a result of trimming." If you were to trim half an inch four times throughout the year, you'd still end up with a net gain of four inches," Cunnane says. "On average, hair grows a half inch per month, which translates to six inches a year. "I think the concept of lunar haircutting speaks more to the ethos of the individual than anything else." That said, she does agree that regular trims are crucial when growing hair long. "I haven't seen any evidence that suggests a correlation between the two," she says. I see what he's getting at and agree there's potential here-but what would a scientist say? I turned to leading trichologist Liz Cunnane of Philip Kingsley, who predictably wasn't quite as gung-ho about the moon's phases affecting hair growth. But while she immediately got obsessed with researching the theory ("fascinating!"), she said it's not something she has personally encountered before, despite her astrology-loving background: "In my 30 years of being around this wonderful industry, no client has ever shared with me that she schedules haircuts this way." "You're not nutty nuts!" hairstylist Jet Rhys responded when I came to her with my crazy questions about lunar haircutting. That is the belief behind following astrology for haircuts." Utilizing the qualities of the zodiac signs and the moon complements because you're pulling into play the Earth's natural elements and therefore encouraging root strength and growth. " a plant-if you leave the dead branches, they pull away nutrients from healthy branches and stunt the growth of the healthy plant parts. So why trim on days when that pull is stronger? "When you trim your hair you are removing dead ends, which helps to keep your hair healthy," Duncan notes.

"Many people believe that the moon has a direct pull not only on the tides but a variety of other living things on earth." Including hair. "The formula the Farmers' Almanac uses is based on the moon phases, where the moon is at in the zodiac, and a few other factors," managing editor Sandi Duncan kindly explained. Whaaat? I had to drop what I was working on and contact the publication to find out more about how these dates are selected. But I first stumbled across the concept when I noticed that the Farmers' Almanac (the centuries-old publication best known for predicting weather/climate trends far in advance) lists best dates for cutting hair to increase growth, right alongside its suggested dates for planting crops or mowing the lawn. Yes, "lunar haircutting" is an actual thing-and not a new one either. So why trim on days when that pull is stronger? "When you trim your hair you are removing dead ends, which helps to keep your hair healthy," Duncan That's right, horoscope junkies-we're talking hairstrology. Now here's one hair-growth trick we're pretty sure you haven't tried along with those prenatal vitamins: booking hair trims according to the lunar calendar.